Friday 16 December 2022

The Humble Mind

The mind is a busy place. Light sparks an abundance of pathways at any one time. Our minds are stimulated at an alarming rate in each moment of each day. How often do we sit with the mind? How often do we share its humble company amidst the space of nothing else? To allow each synapse to spark in content, and then to let it go? The physical brain is heavy for it is home to so much. To an abundance of seeds planted and perhaps never watered. Home to seeds planted and grown half way, frightened by an adjacent striking jolt of change. And home to those rare golden seeds, given the space and nourishment to grow and grow into realised dreams.

The mind houses the past and the future. A temporary home to present fleeting moments. It is right there in those seemingly blinking moments where we must spend the most time. Where we must see clearly, breathe life into, and nourish the thought at the exact moment it rises. For it is in these moments where the golden seeds are planted. Where the dreams most aligned with our soul are born and exhaled into existence.

These present moments appear rare and often underwhelming, but don't intend to be. How often the misleading grandness of future events shadows the present. How often the nostalgic memories of the past seep into the present, drowning the actual moment. The present moment is the best moment you will experience at any one time, for it is here your power is realised. The power of choice to sit and dwell in an unbecoming situation or feeling, or to choose another thought and allow the present to fade into the next more favourable present moment.

Emotions created as a reaction to the present moment seep into every cell of the body, moving out slowly through the pores of the skin as energy. Imagine over the years the incessant build up of misaligned dirty energy invading the cells, creating an unwelcoming aura of energy around you? Isn't it more appealing to be aware of clean and vibrant energy, washing through the body, through the cells so we glow in who we are?

The body and mind are connected. I believe stress is a significant instigator of disease and ill health. More so than the food we eat or the air we breathe. The cells of the body are intelligent and take on energy, and stressful energy to the cells causes deformation and unnatural processes. Stress sets hormones on a rollercoaster of their own, triggering all sorts of messy circumstances, halting the abundant flow of life. We each have the choice, and the power to be gently aware of our minds for this is where every physical manifestation begins. It is where every dream is planted and nurtured into realisation. We have the choice to be deeply aware and to sit strongly in the present, in each moment as it arises. To slow the breath, and to ascertain if the thought experienced is of the highest good for ourselves and for others. 

We have the choice to live in good health or to bear home for disease. The mind is powerful, and it's our own power we hold.

Be gentle with your mind, and take deep care of how it makes you feel.

It is your gold, your home.



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