Friday 9 December 2022


Human beings, we make life complicated for ourselves. Imagine if we uncomplicated each thought, unravelled the complexities so we could see each for what they actually were. Wisps of air, specks of dirt, dust to be blown away with ease. In all these manufactured complexities, as the years have accumulated, we slowly create masks for ourselves.

There's a moment in life when the final pages of childhood innocence are turned, and so the chapters of adulthood begin. All of a sudden awareness is the spotlight on our lives and on the lives of others. Suddenly there is a steady focus and study of those around us, of situations unfolded before us. Often a distorted reflection as social media is now a direct screening of the lives of others. So we naively adapt to conform and align, and we listen to everything spoken to us and swallow the words as truths. We dwell on these truths and change, make decisions based on the words and actions of others so we are seen in a beautiful and good light. 

To move against the grain would displease and disappoint others. It would cause us to be alone. To not be loved, and to not be loved, this is a universal fear innate in every soul.

It's heartbreaking to merely think that we have forgotten to TRUST and to LISTEN to the voice of our core. For this voice speaks the ultimate truth, it is the only voice to speak from pure love. We can't live honestly and with integrity if we ignore who we are. We will always be loved, this is a given, as the capacity, rawness and act of self-love is the most important. Until we know how to care for ourselves, then can we care for others freely and warmly. Holding strength in who we are first, will see us appreciate the unique strength in others. This takes an abundance of time, each day sees us feel a little stronger, and a little stronger yet again. Embrace the setbacks that challenge your strength, for at the centre of each setback sits a lesson to help build strength yet again.

With each day we will remember who we are, because strength in the soul resembles the unique core of who we are. Our magical dreams, beliefs, values and quirky traits are piece by piece a reflection of our soul. When that reflection ripples from the breeze of outside influence, we fail to see ourselves clearly. We forget.

Take the time each day to stop, look in the mirror and to stand gently planted in who you are. Be gentle with your heart. Look into the youthful eyes of the child staring back at you and remember freedom. Remember every simple action that brought your life a little light and joy. Fear not embracing those joys now because the dreams of your soul, the picture of your soul is the most beautiful image in the world. The only truth that matters most is what your heart whispers as the sun rises and sets each day. 'Remember, remember.' Hold tightly to the hand of your intuition and trust its tug, ever so slight but there.

Your divine self is all you have in this lifetime. One li
fe in this body. Move against the grain if that's what your heart whispers because to displease and disappoint yourself is most heartbreaking. 

We are whole, complete and perfect as we are, in all our complexities and flaws. 

We are perfect beings of love.



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