Monday 5 December 2022

Notice, Nourish and Nurture Energy

Energy is an inherent motion in everything. Nurturing our unique energy takes mindfulness and time. Tuning in to realise what the body and soul deeply desire requires patience and space, from ourselves and from those around us. Be patient with the hearts who need to be alone to cultivate joy. Respect the souls who crave the close comfort of others to rekindle sparks of excitement. Energy is universal. We each hold the Universe as it is reflected to us from the world. We each have a choice of what we see in that reflection, and that choice traces back to how we care for and attract our energy.

How perfect is the reflection of nature? The ebb and flow of seasons, of floods, fires and regeneration. The elegance of a wild animal racing for its prey, the beauty and colour of fruit as it grows from the earth, untouched by intervention, all moving in its own energy. We are a part of nature, overwhelming beings grown and created from energy. How we take care of that energy will see to ageing and how we feel as time passes. Each thought, interaction and substance that filters through the mind and body plants seeds. This is a reason to be mindful, as these seeds manifest slowly. Be severely curious of the food you consume, notice how it feels within you and how the energy of its fuel flows out of you. And each thought, are they serving your best interests, or are they heavy and rooted in fear and doubt? Accept the thought, let it go, and choose again. There is so much power in the mind, it's unbelievably magical.

Nurture your mind as you would your body. Cleanse the soul in meditation, stay aware of thoughts and be present in each moment. Breathe. Inhale deeply and feel your torso rise with knowing, exhale slowly and melt into the creative core of your energy. Everything is connected, the mind, gut, heartbeat and growth of the world around.

'Be like nature', the sun whispers to me each morning as we sit in each other's company. We are from nature, not machine. Like the earth we are composed mostly of water.
Notice the energy of the earth, and notice the energy you carry. Be kind to everything that rises from within and know that you, and you alone, are always presented with the choice of how to live. 

Nourish to care for your energy.

Nurture to create a home within your heart for your energy to rest in.

Loretta xo

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