Wednesday 7 December 2022

Glow With Knowing

To truly nurture our insides will reflect on the outside. The way skin glows or fades, how the whites of the eyes are bright or dull. How the hair shines and grows with strength and ease, the body moving vibrantly in each beaming step. Energy to move with ease from sunrise to sunset. How we listen to, and are present with others, exuding patience and interest, mirroring and holding space. Wearing empathy comfortably.

Nourishing our bodies and nurturing the soul from the inside will reflect on the outside. Vital too are the ways we take care of the outside, how we look after the largest organ of the human body, the skin. Especially the face, as this is what we present to the world, what we look at in the mirror, our unique thumbprint of the soul.

Settling into my early thirties my purpose for skin care is prevention. Also, the morning and evening skincare rituals bring me joy and the warm embrace of self-care. I am grateful to be blessed with attractive genetics, however that can only go so far. Here in Australia we receive the jagged edges of the sun, penetrating beams that blossom with the gold of vitamin D, alongside daggers that age and trouble the skin. To be honest, I have been very lax about skin protection until only recently, most likely causing damage unseen to the eye as of yet. In saying this it's not becoming to fear the beautiful sun completely for we need a healthy balance of light and protection.

Listening to the science, advice from women well ahead of my time, seeing for myself the skin of those ahead of me in life, and in my past work as a beauty therapist has triggered interest and concern. It's only presently that my eyes are truly open and aware. Science and living proof cannot easily be dismissed. Taking care of the skin is a joyful practice, as is learning and sharing. I understand we are all unique and what works for one person may not be effective for another. However I believe there are universal habits for everyone to witness results immediately, and in time to come.

HYDRATION in the form of drinking clean water and eating high water content foods which include an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables. We are mostly made of water. Water helps cleanse the liver and keeps the process of detoxification on track. Everything related with the liver will show on the skin. Alcohol, cigarettes, acidic foods, processed foods and seed and vegetable oils are most detrimental. Hydration in the form of what is applied to the skin in the morning and evening is just as important. I will detail my routines in a further post.

SUN PROTECTION needs to be a daily habit, especially of the face. This cannot be stressed enough. Get up to twenty minutes of gentle morning sunlight directly on the face without protection and I believe you are medicated for the day. Vitamin D is so important, we can't hide from it entirely to live in good health. However prevention is just as crucial for avoiding ill ageing a
nd health. Everyday without fail I apply a beautiful natural zinc, no chemicals or preservatives.

SLEEP seven to nine hours, which is adequate time for rejuvenation. It is time enough for the body to travel through its detoxifying processes in cleaning, and breathing life into the body and soul. Entering sleep in a calm state rather than a stimulated one, with time enough to wind down in absence of technology deeply soothes the mind and allows for better quality sleep. The more time spent in the absence of technology, the more time we each have to engage with who we truly are. 

When we remember who we are, love pours from within and the skin sparkles with youth. 

When we remember we glow with knowing.

Take care of your skin and remember how to blossom from within.



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