Tuesday 13 December 2022

Avenues of Change

The magnificence of change is undervalued. The comfort of remaining stagnant is easy, yet it sparks little content in the depths of the soul, in that place of knowing what is deeply aligned. Sometimes for some of us there are many avenues of change we must linger in, even revisit to gain insight of who we truly are. This can be spaced over years, decades perhaps. For others change is rare, and this is ok too, if it is stimulating, anchoring, and of the highest good.

We must try not to compare for we are all on our own path, guided by our unique hearts. The one similarity is that we are all guided by the warm and welcoming hand of love. Love teaches us, ever present, a reminder to always be grounded in who we are. To compare only crafts confusion, disappointment and a place that is unattainable for it is not uniquely you. We move at our own pace, in our own lane, as terrifying or lonely as that might appear. Moving in your own lane however, is the most heart-opening, bringing you closer to love and with other people as you nurse a deeper understanding of who you are.

Often, I feel like a queen of change. Diving in and out of study, of jobs, of the way that I choose to eat and exercise, my thoughts about life. I have learnt so much though. I have learnt so much about who I am, my likes and dislikes, what truly stirs my soul, what has been a constant, and what is not aligned with who I am. My values have grown stronger and stronger as I move into knowing who I am. At this stage in life I continue to grow, to engage in change, and to always return to my intuition and values when making a decision. The picture I see, representing the highest good for myself and others is becoming clearer and clearer.

How can we truly identify with love if we have never experienced fear? How can we move with ease if we have never had to overcome difficulty? Lived in the joy of laughter without moving through the grief of tears? We each dip our toes in the waters of change, and fully immerse when the moment aligns with our heart and soul, when it feels light and good in the body.

When we make any decision, stop and feel for that in the body as this is the whisper of your intuition. Feel for lightness, not heaviness. Feel for ease, not tangles of confusion. Try to refrain from pouring everything in immediately for time is needed to process and feel. Space is required for you to grow into the decision, to grow into who you are.

You may feel perched atop dizzying heights, in the midst of pirouetting between change. Stop, and step down. Breathe again. Hold space for your beautiful self and fear not time. Time is always on your side, never slipping away, rather, guiding you back home. So pause, live in the discomfort of uncertainty for a short while and take those spacious moments to look after yourself.

Bathe in self-care, sleep, relax, eat well and hydrate deeply. 

Hold onto trust and everything unfolding in perfect time. 

That all is well and exactly as it needs to be.



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Thank you for being here. What follows are writings of what I am learning as I continue to unfold in life, as the most creative and alig...