Thursday 27 December 2018

Circle of Freedom

It was an unusually cool evening for December. The small fire burning in the dirt was enticing and charming, cutting through the slight chill with ease. Two large silver pots of fresh chair sat comfortably near the flames. The most delicious chai I have ever tasted, the spice just right. As more people arrived the circle became complete. I nursed the warm mug of chai in my hands and savoured every mouthful, feeling the warmth move gently through my body. Then came the drumming, the dancing, and the freedom.


The word I chose at the beginning of the year. The feeling of it, and what it means to me alone. The end of the year has come and I feel freedom has cultivated within and around me so beautifully. I am of it, and I am at peace and completely at one with who I am. Something I will now carry with me for the rest of my life. I have strengthened, as a woman and as a part of this universal population of souls having a human experience.

The rhythms I was hearing, and the sensation of hands to drum skin was magical. The way sound moves through us, how rhythm sparks such joy and movement. Dancing around the fire as the sun set and the light gently dimmed served such a release. Celebrating the summer solstice, the full moon, and the culmination of the year was so important to me. I released so much from within myself that I felt completely drained afterwards. Mentally, physically and spiritually. Completely empty and at the same time completely open to everything on its way to my open arms and open heart.

This year has been one of intense learning and subtle preparation. I let go so much of this year and a lot that has built up to it. I've let go so I can bring in what is aligned to who I am and the life that I am living. I've let go to come back to myself. My true self. I am in the midst of an awakening and life is so meaningful because of it.

I felt alive at the end of the evening, sitting around the fire with the full moon beaming like a child. Being around like-minded individuals celebrating a seasonal change, a moon cycle, and music is so empowering. We are not alone. With my hands on the earth, then on my heart, a song at my lips and bright souls all around me I felt bliss. A sense of being at the right place and at the right time. I am so grateful to have shared such an evening with others.

Now that this year finally feels complete to me, I can settle into intentions and thoughts for next year. I can take the lessons I've learnt, and the woman I have become to propel me gently into a fulfilling new year.

Loretta xo

Tuesday 1 May 2018


Thank you for being here.

What follows are writings of what I am learning as I continue to unfold in life, as the most creative and aligned version of myself.

Please take your time and read what draws you in.

Loretta xo


Thank you for being here. What follows are writings of what I am learning as I continue to unfold in life, as the most creative and alig...